About me

This blog shows what me and hubby are eating at the time of writing. It's all about seasonal recipes/ideas for everyday meals.

I absolutely love food - I'm totally passionate about it! And eating gluten-free doesn't restrict me in any way when I'm cooking at home (eating out can be a nightmare). I was diagnosed as 'probably coeliac' when I was 3 but it wasn't confirmed until I was 35. I eat gluten-free and partly dairy-free (I eat some butter and cheese - no milk or other milk products). Hubby has high cholesterol so I try to use low or zero added fat solutions. We're on a budget, have the usual time constraints and we're in a small UK town. Although I've studied and worked in alternative health for more than a decade, my aim here is to give recipe ideas with a personal touch - not health recommendations!
I owned and ran my own beautiful little shop before the recession - Aubergine Healthy Living at Easton on Portland. Here I am in the video that earned my baby Business of the Year 2007.